Tax Consulting for private individuals

Tax return («tax compliance»)

Preparing the annual tax return

Preparing the annual tax return including all necessary enclosures. If desired, the tax return can be submitted electronically (in cantons that already offer this option). If required, a personal meeting to discuss the tax return and show possible ways of optimising the tax burden.

Checking tax assessments

Checking provisional and final tax assessments. Making recommendations on the amount and deadline of tax payments to be made.

Raising objections

Advising on the prospects of success of objections. Preparing objections to final tax assessments. Representing clients vis-à-vis the authorities.

Acting as tax representative

Receiving and dealing with all correspondence in tax matters (tax return forms, provisional and final assessments, queries about the tax return, etc.) based on a corresponding power of attorney.

Management of deadlines

Managing the deadlines for filing tax returns. Obtaining extensions of deadlines in good time, if necessary.

Tax Consulting - selection


Providing advice on optimising the tax benefits of restructurings/reorganisations (transforming sole proprietorships into corporations, admittances to and withdrawals from partnerships, company mergers, etc.). Preparing tax rulings with all the authorities involved.

Transactions with real estate

Providing advice in connection with the tax implications of purchases and sales of real estate. Calculating the tax burden. If necessary, preparing tax rulings.

Fiscal advice in pension matters

Providing advice on setting up a tax-optimised pension plan. Clarifying the tax implications of drawing of pension assets (also across borders).


Providing advice on the tax-optimised structuring of investments (incl. advice on the legal form of start-ups).